Water is beautiful in so many ways. It is life giving, it is conscious, it is the epitome of going with the flow. It never shows resistance. It moves with a grace and purpose wherever it goes, no matter how many cesspools it’s been in. It shows no urgency in reaching a destination. It can transform its environment with intention. It can transform itself.
When we envision the future, it comes along with a lot of doubt and worry about what will be. How I will get there, what obstacles will stand in my way, and if I will ever get there at all? Being a human is hard work. We constantly think about the things that are either an illusion, or don’t ever turn out the way we expect it. That’s proven over and over again throughout our lives, and yet we will still stay in a mindset of worry and doubt.
After many years of this madness, some of us stay stuck in this cycle. Continuing to fear the future and never really moving ahead.

I challenge you to envision yourself as free flowing water. Starting at a point, where you have no idea where you are. You don’t let your thinking mind get in the way, you just move. You flow where there is least resistance. You continue through rocks, trees, dams, and man made objects. Sometimes you’ll get through it without a glitch, and sometimes you’ll be stuck for a bit. But you don’t think, you just continue moving.
You may end up in places where you feel like you don’t belong. You take on storms, unpredictably, yet you remain. You may change paths, suddenly, and yet continue on. You trust that wherever you’re going, right now and always, you are exactly where you need to be. And you continue moving forward on your journey, no matter what.

You bring life into everything you touch, and you don’t even know it. You shape and form the environment around you with every step forward. You are reflective, showing the world as it is, not as it wishes to be. Any disturbance ripples around you, as you release the energy back into the Universe with full acceptance. You adapt and transform yourself in every situation. Sometimes you'll be as cold as ice, other times warm and free flowing as mist. You still don’t know where you’re headed, but again you’re exactly where you need to be at this very moment. You are water.
There’s no comparing one drop of water to another, each has their own journey, just like we all do. Separate at times, but always uniting in the vast pool of oneness. We then share all our experience with the collective consciousness, alas we know why we were sent on this journey.

You realize, it never really was about reaching a destination. It was the journey that gave life true meaning. The ins and outs, the ups and downs, the good and the bad. It all formed you into the miraculous being you are today.
You ebb and flow with the circumstances that were given to you. Some days you move many miles ahead, others you get stuck in a whirlpool. This is life. You give life. You form life. You are life!