The greatest epiphanies come from the most mysterious places. Many times, they come from a struggle or disappointment that seems to be a total disruption. Every single obstacle thrown in your path has a purpose, even if it is seemingly meaningless at the time.
“Timing is everything.” A statement thrown around for millennia. We think we know when it’s time for a particular goal or momentous event to occur. We work really hard to meet deadlines and set dates to complete our greatest dreams and goals. Yet, sometimes it doesn’t work out the way we planned. We hit roadblocks, we struggle in the moment to complete tasks, and we feel like a failure. But what if each hardship had a divine meaning? What if they were in place to set you down the right path? What if the Universe is always working for you, not against you?

It’s easy to feel like everything is working against us. Certain things fail time and time again, and we just chalk it up to it wasn’t meant for me. Maybe I didn’t work hard enough. Maybe I am not good enough. Maybe it wasn’t the right time.
Or maybe, everything happens in divine timing. The morning you wake up late for work. The time you left your phone at your doctors office and had to turn around to get it. The time you met someone in a grocery store and they talked and talked. Could it be these things that slow us down are here to guide us, align us on our truth path?
You woke up late and left the house a little later than normal. You drive by an accident, at a place you normally would have been the moment it occurred. You turned around to get your phone, you bump into an old friend just arriving at their appointment. The person who talked and talked at the grocery store happens to know someone who knows someone who’s hiring the exact position you’re looking for.
These inconvenient occurrences have a deeper meaning. They have a purpose only our soul understands. They were all signs and synchronicities that were meant to assure our safe arrival and the right connections at the right time.

If we embrace every struggle and always remember that in this very moment, everything is perfect as it is, we start to truly follow the path we were set to be on. Life will never be easy, but with a change of perception we can handle anything that’s thrown at us.
Always remember that whatever is not working out for you in this moment, is really working out for you. Maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow. But one day you’ll look back and be so grateful for this hardship. One day you’ll know why it all had to happen exactly as it did or else you wouldn’t be who you are or where you are today. In divine timing, anything is possible. We just have to learn to embrace this moment and know we are exactly where we need to be right now.
Beautiful <3